Roberto Selbach

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Category: Go

Interfaces in Go and C#

I make no secret of the fact that I love Go. I think it’s a wonderfully designed language and it gave me nothing but pleasure in the years I’ve been working with it full time.

Now however I am working on a project that requires the use of C#, which prompted me to realize something.

When people ask about Go, most people talk about channels and concurrency but I think one of the most beautiful aspects of Go is its implementation of interfaces.

To see what I mean, let’s define a simple interface in Go.

type Greeter interface {
    Hello() string

Now say we have a type that implements this interface

type MyGreeter struct {}

func (mg MyGreeter) Hello() string {
    return "Hello World"

This is it. myGreeter implicitly implements the Greeter interface and we can pass it along to any function that accepts a Greeter.

func doSomethingWithGreeter(g Greeter) {
    // do something

func main() {
    mg := myGreeter{}

The fact that the implementation is actually important, but we’ll get to that. Let’s first do the same thing in C#.

interface Greeter
    string Hello();

And then we create a class that implements the interface.

class MyGreeter
    public string Hello()
        return "Hello world";

We quickly find out that the compiler doesn’t like this.

public static string doSomething(Greeter g)
    return g.Hello ();

public static void Main (string[] args)
    MyGreeter mg = new MyGreeter ();
    doSomething (mg);

The compiler complains that it cannot convert MyGreeter to type Greeter. That’s because the C# compiler requires classes to explicitly declare the interfaces they implement. Changing MyGreeter as below solves the problem.

class MyGreeter : Greeter
    public string Hello()
        return "Hello world";

And voilà, everything works.

Now, we might argue that it is not much different. All you have to do is to declare the interface implemented by the class, right? Except it does make a difference.

Imagine that you cannot change MyGreeter, be it because it’s from a third-party library or it was done by another team.

In Go, you could declare the Greeter interface in your own code and the MyGreeter that is part of somebody else’s package would “magically” implement it. It is great for mocking tests, for example.

Implicit interfaces is an underrated feature of Go.

Update: someone on Twitter pointed me to the fact that C# not only also has implicit interfaces but that this is the default state of things. That is true in a literal sense, but it’s not the same thing.

Imagine in our C# above, we have a second interface.

interface IAgreeable
    string Hello();
    string Bye();

(Yes, I was also told that in C# we should always name interfaces like ISomethingable. I disagree but there it is.)

We then implement our class thusly

class MyClass : Greeter, IAgreeable
    public string Hello() {
        return "Hello world";
    public string Bye() {
        return "Bye world";

It now correctly implements both interfaces and all is well with the world. Until, that is, the Hello() method needs to be different for each interface in which case you will need to do an explicit implementation.

class MyClass : Greeter, IAgreeable
    string Greeter.Hello() {
        return "Hello world from Greeter";
    public string Hello() {
        return "Hello world from !Greeter";
    public string Bye() {
        return "Bye world";

And then the compiler will call the appropriate Hello() depending on the cast.

public static string doSomething(Greeter g)
     return g.Hello ();
public static string doSomethingElse(IAgreeable g)
    return g.Hello ();
public static void Main (string[] args)
    MyClass mg = new MyClass ();
    Console.Out.WriteLine(doSomething (mg));
    Console.Out.WriteLine(doSomethingElse (mg));

This will print

Hello world from Greeter
Hello world from !Greeter

Personally I consider two interfaces with clashing method names that need to behave differently a design flaw in the API, but reality being what it is, sometimes we need to deal with this.

More on validating with Go

A few days ago I posted about a new Go package called validator that we initially developed for our own internal use at but what fun is internal stuff, right? So we opensourced it.

Then Matthew Holt pointed me to an ongoing discussion
on validation happening on martini-contrib’s github. By the way, if you don’t know martini yet, go rectify that right now.

And today I learned about check, which takes a completely different
approach to data validation than the one we took, which by the way is totally fine and you should check it out.

Good to know we were not the only ones with the problem. Although I’m happy with how our package turned out, I kind of wish
I had found these other guys earlier. Could have shared some code or just ideas.

[ANN] Package validator

The thing about working in a startup under stealth mode is you can’t often talk about what you’re doing. Thankfully, from time to time, an opportunity appears that lets us at least share something tangential.

A large part of our project at involves receiving data from a client (generally in JSON) for processing. This involves unmarshaling the JSON into a struct, something that Go does very well. But then comes the boring part: checking that the information sent from the client is correct and complete before doing anything with it.

The boring life of validating stuff
if t.Username != "" && t.Age > 18 && t.Foo != nil && len(t.Bar.Baz) > 8 && ...

We had to do this often and for a large number of different structs and sometimes a struct gained a new field and we had to go back and see that it was being properly validated everywhere. It was so boring that we ended up writing something to make it easier for us. We’ve been using this for a while and now we decided to open source it in the hopes that it might be useful for others.

Package validator implements validation of variables. Initially we had implemented JSONschema but we don’t always deal with JSON, we also get data as XML and sometimes as form-encoded. So we changed our approach and went right to the struct definitions.

A struct definition with some validation rules attached
type T struct {
  A int    `validate:"nonzero"`
  B string `validate:"nonzero,max=10"`
  C struct {
      Ca int    `validate:"min=5,max=10"`
      Cb string `validate:"min=8, regexp:^[a-zA-Z]+"`

This allowed us to attach validation rules right to the data structure definitions. Then instead of large, boring list of if statements, we were able to validate in single function call.

Validating an instance of a struct
if valid, _ := validator.Validate(t); !valid {
  // not valid, so return an http.StatusBadRequest of something

Multiple rules for different situations

We often use the same struct to deal with different data coming from the client. Sometimes we only care about one or two of the fields in one scenario, so we also supported multiple rules like, say

A struct with two different sets of rules
type T struct {
  A int    `foo:"nonzero" bar:"min=5,max=10"`
  B string `bar:"nonzero"`

In scenario foo, we need A to be non-zero, but we don’t care for what is in B. In the bar scenario, however, we need B to be non-zero and the value of A to be between 5 and 10, inclusive. To validate, we then make validator use a different tag name for each case

WithTag() FTW
t := T{A: 3}
validator.WithTag("foo").Validate(t) // valid
validator.WithTag("bar").Validate(t) // invalid

We can also change the tag by using SetTag with will then make the tag name persistent until changed again by another call to SetTag.

Please refer to for a lot more documentation, use cases, and how to access the individual validation errors found for each field.

Anagramizer, a simple anagram solver in Go

This weekend I took the family to celebrate Father’s Day away from town. We went around getting to know parts of the province we live in and never been to.

We came back yesterday and the plan today was for a nice, calm day at home (it’s a holiday of some sort here.) Then I got engaged in a game called Hanging with Friends, a mix of the traditional hangman with a bit of Scrabble.

Since English isn’t my first language, I have a limited vocabulary, which leaves me at a disadvantage against my English-speaking friends. I can handle the “hangman” part of the game where I have to guess the word my friends come up with; but when it becomes “Scrabble” and I’ve got to form words using only a given set of letters and still make them difficult enough that a native English speaker will have problems figuring them out, then it’s tough.

An itch that needed some scratching. Enter Anagramizer.

When I woke up this morning, I decided to write a little program to help me. You call it cheating, I call it having a bit of nerd fun.

Being that I’m currently in love with Go, I decided to write in that language and it was really easy and quick to do it. It took me about half an hour to write the program that did what I needed. But then…

I succumbed to the temptation and started adding bells and whistles. Admittedly it was mostly for my own amusement and trying stuff in Go, but by the time we were leaving for lunch, the program had more options than the KDE audio volume utility (see what I did just there?)

I decided to make it available to anyone who wants to play with it. It served its purpose of entertaining me for about half a day 🙂

It’s now available on Github and released under a BSD licence.

Euler 9 in Go

This was surprising to me. For fun I picked one of the Euler algorithms I played with in the past and rewrote it in Go. The idea was to rewrite it idiomatically to see how different things might look. Nothing else. The very first thing I did was to get the exact algorithm and rewrite, no idiomatic changes.

package main

import "fmt"

func isTriplet(a, b, c int) bool {
return a * a + b * b == c * c

func main() {
for a := 1; a < 1000; a++ {
for b := a + 1; b < (1000 – a) / 2; b++ {
c := 1000 – a – b
if isTriplet(a, b, c) {
fmt.Println(a * b * c)


What surprised me is that this thing runs in 0.005s, which is faster than the Python implementation and very close to the one in C. It surprised me because this wasn’t really supposed to happen. The Go compiler isn’t well optimized, especially compared to compilers with a many-years headstart.